Revolutionizing Global Nutrition.

Our platform empowers nonprofits, families, and governments to end malnutrition. Screening, intervention, and monitoring for all.

A 21st-Century Solution for a Multi-Generational Pandemic

Over 200 million children suffer from malnutrition. 45% of child deaths are attributed to malnutrition.

It is time we take nutrition programs to the next level. Over $9 Billion USD is spend annually on global nutrition efforts, but surprisingly almost all programs are still run on paper. ShareMy.Health is collaborating with some of the most innovative and impactful nutrition programs to revolutionize the industry and exponentially impact the lives of families.

Family-Centered Solution

The first health-based software that puts the family at the center. By owning their own data, families have the power to create their own health path along side community partners.

Nutrition Screening & Intervention

Community health workers are empowered with the tools to accurately record nutrition screenings and interventions for children and watch their progress over time.


Community organizations see real-time analytics for individuals and programs. They are able to make quick and relevant decisions based on accurate data.


A family is able to share their information with whomever they trust allowing for community organizations to collaborate in ways never before possible.

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Screening & Intervention

Height & Weight Screenings

Enter a child's height and weight to receive instantaneous z-scores and user friendly nutrition descriptions. The scores are based on WHO standards or Country-Specific standards which include Weight for Height, Height for Age, and Weight for Age.

MUAC Screenings

Enter a Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MAUC) measurement for children 6 months to 5 years old and receive a MUAC-For-Age z-score and a user friendly description.


After a nutrition screening is taken an automated or custom intervention can be assigned to the child. These interventions range from visiting a health clinic to taking micro-nutrient supplements. These interventions can be tracked in real-time.

Individual Analytics

Each child has a family friendly nutrition tracking chart to easily follow their nutrition journey over time.

Safe and reliable data collection

The Nutrition platform replaces current paper-based processes, which are cumbersome and unreliable at best. Now, community health workers can reliably collect nutrition and demographic information rapidly and securely. Meanwhile, leaders see real-time analytics for their programs.

Supplement Adherence

Aid families with the resources they need, when they need them.

Two-way SMS based messaging

Customized Reminders and Notifications

Live Analytics and Tracking

100% GDPR Compliant

Find out more

Work Anytime, Anywhere

ShareMy.Health has partnered with Ditto, the world's most premier offline technology provider. Their revolutionary technology enables our platform to operate in the most remote areas of the world -- syncing between devices without internet.

Finally, you can replace paper and spreadsheets.

Part of a robust platform

ShareMy.Health has served over 400,000 people in need since 2018 with its lightweight electronic health record platform. Every feature is built to serve both our commercial and humanitarian clients.

Supplement Adherence

Track supplement adherence across multiple programs while simultaneously increasing adherence through customized reminders.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Collect and correlate meaningful and varied data to best understand your program outcomes and impact.

Coming soon

We're rapidly extending Medication Adherence to Supplement Adherence, Workplace Analytics to M&E, and bringing our market-leading immunization tracking and surveys to humanitarian partners like you.

Immunization Tracking

Track childrens' immunizations records and receive notifications when it is time for a child to receive their next immunization.

Customized Surveys

Collect program specific demographic data that is tied directly into your program deliverables.